Hey ya'll it's me again. Here's another healing story. This man had a grandfather who had died from diabetes. The grandfather had lost his vision, lost part of his leg, and died from the complications of diabetes. The man's dad had diabetes. The man's dad had lost most of his vision, was having problems with his legs and was very sick from the complications of diabetes. So now this man is having vision problems, and having problems with his legs as he too is having issues with diabetes. Now the doctors will call this a hereditary disease. The doctors will also say that there is no cure for diabetes. BUT that's not what the bible says.
Exo 34:7 Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.
So this man was in church and heard a teacher talking about diabetes but he didn't catch everything that was said. After the class he got the teacher to the side and asked what had been said about diabetes. The teacher replied, “Diabetes is caused by unforgiveness, hatred, anger, and unresolved bitterness towards a father or father figure.”. The man laughed. He replied, “You're right. I hate my dad and can't wait for him to die.”. The teacher responded by saying, “Go make peace with your dad and the diabetes will go away.” Notice the teacher didn't say let me pray for you. Let me push you down. Give more money to the church. This is what I am talking about when it comes to ministry. There are many ways to be healed and I have found the one way that works most of the time and that's the way I use to minister to people for healing. Anyway the guy goes home and ponders. He had a horrific childhood. The beatings. Being shot at. Having food withheld. Being forced to sleep outside. Watching his mother endure crippling beatings. Being forced to urinate on his brother for not making good grades. And even himself forced to ingest his own bodily waste when he was beaten so bad that he lost bodily functions. And that's just the tip of the iceberg of his childhood. Needless to say this man was not going to ever forgive his dad. This man had even planned and almost carried out his dad's murder. The hatred was real. This man had a friend named Kevin who told him that he was only hurting himself by not making things right with his dad and the best thing to do was just face it. After a couple weeks of thinking about it, he decided it was time to go do it. As he drove the 3 hours to his parents house he thought all the way about how he would say, “I forgive you for this, I forgive you for that, I forgive you for every time you did this and that...”. He was going to make sure his dad was reminded of every horrific thing that he had done. As he got within a few miles of his parents' house he started having a panic attack. There was no way he was going to go thru with this. He called Kevin and told him that he couldn't do it. Kevin told him that he should and it was only hurting himself if he didn't. The man told Kevin that everyday between 1 and 3 his dad took a nap. It was 2. The man was going to call his parents' house and if his dad was awake, he would go. If his dad was asleep he was going back 3 hours to his home. Kevin said fine, call me back and let me know what you are doing. The man called his parents and his mom answered the phone. The man asked his mom what she was doing. She replied, “ I am sitting here watching tv with your dad. He went to bed to take his nap but for some reason he couldn't sleep so he got back up and came in here to watch tv.”. You got to be kidding me. What the hell did you just say? The man was furious, shocked, bewildered, and confused. He told his mom that he was down the road and was coming for a visit. She said come on and hung up. The man called Kevin back, and relayed the story. Kevin is now laughing hysterically. Kevin told the man that GOD was in control of this and he might as well just go on and do it. The man hung up and continued his drive. When he walked into his parents house his dad was in a recliner facing the tv, his mom was across the room in a recliner facing the tv, so he took a seat on the sofa behind the recliners. As he sat there staring at his dad he was getting angry just looking at him. There was no way that he could ever let his dad off the hook. About 15 minutes later he decided that since he was there he might as well do it, besides what's it going to hurt. So he pulled a chair up beside his dad's recliner and put his arm around him. The man opened his mouth and to his surprise these words started coming out.... "Dad, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the times that I have hurt you. I'm sorry for all the times I have caused you pain. I'm sorry for all the times that I didn't do what you wanted me to do. I'm sorry for every time my actions caused you problems." His dad began screaming at him, “I told you so. I told you so. I always told you that you were the problem.”. The man just hugged his dad tighter and kissed him. His dad began crying. The man sat there a minute and then said he had long drive and had to go. He got into his truck and started home. About 30 minutes from his home he stopped at the gas station and bought a Dr. Pepper and a couple of crème filled, chocolate covered doughnuts, which he ate and drank on his way home to never having another diabetes symptom in his life! The sad ending to this story is that man's dad died from complications of diabetes. This man preached his funeral. There's more to the story. This man's dad had a horrible childhood as well, including running away. The stories that his dad told were unimaginable. Therefore you can see the generations of abuse that was causing the generations of diabetes.
Exo 20:12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.
Now some of you may say, “Nowhere in the Bible does it say anything about diabetes. Where does that nonsense come from? “ I will share that with you in a future post.
Luk 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.
GOD'S WORDS! If the Bible says “do that and you will become sick” and “do that and you will be healed” then why aren't people living by those words to live in freedom of sickness? Until next time.....